Calling all empaths and sensitives out there! Here are some helpful tools for keeping your energy field clear in this mad mad world we live in….
I am an empath and find it hard to navigate this world full of sensory overload. We are inundated with other people and their energy…toxins in the air, in our water, our food, some days it feels safer just to stay in bed! Even turning on the TV nowadays can cause panic and distress. What is with all this new hate and anger energy???
So what can you do not feel so energetically exposed?
Every night before bed, it is wise to do a clearing meditation to release energy from not only your mind, but also your energy field. This will help to give you a more peaceful sleep, and keep the astral traveling to funky places to a minimum. When we are worried, or upset, we go to places to work out all those thoughts and feelings in our sleep! So clear them before you lay down to quiet the subconscious and unconscious mind Before I go to sleep, I set an intention. “Angels and Guides, I ask that you please help me to stay asleep in my body, in my bed. Release from me what no longer serves me and any energy that isn’t mine, communicate with me so I may know what is for my highest good, and close down all portals to any dimensions, places, timelines, or groups, so that I may rest. Thank you.”
Start your day off with calling in your guides and setting your intention! So, this one is important because if we don’t seem to set course on what we want, how we want our day to go, etc, life just takes over. So here is one that I use A LOT.
“I set my intention that my guidance team is comprised of 100% Divine White Light. I ask my Angels and Guides to help me to see what there is to see, know what there is to know, and feel what there is to feel. Please show me what my next right steps are and assist me in all areas of my life today. If something isn’t for me, please clear it from my path. If something is meant for me, please bring it forward. Thank you, thank you, thank You.”
You are what you eat. Okay well maybe you aren’t a donut or a bag of Cheetos per say, but you will be a vibrational match to them. Sugar, preservatives, additives all taste really yummy going down, but then they mess with your energy! That’s right, it lowers our vibration to eat crap foods. And although I am not 100% vegetarian myself, it does also mess up our energy to eat animals. If you want to communicate better with your guides, and enhance your intuitive awareness, one of the first things you need to do is clean up your “temple.” Vegetables, water, fruits, are all higher vibrational energy foods. So if you eat these, then you also embody that energy too. Eat lower vibrational foods and well you got it, you have lower vibrational energy.
Release, forgive, repeat. If you had a really bad day full of blaming others, yelling at the waitress, saluting the driver next to you who cut you off, and had thoughts of hanging your children on the clothesline, don’t hang on to that. Let that shit go. Every time we have negative interactions with others, we create cords. And we also create karma. Everything we do, or say, or feel has energy behind it. And we affect our world with all of it. So if you have created a lot of it, your world will probably feel chaotic, you might feel you aren’t on the right path, have negative thoughts more frequently, and feel deflated and shut down. So at the end of the day, forgive others and yourself for any interactions that were less than stellar. Forgive so you can release it. A really good mantra to use is “I now release the etheric contracts and karma that might have been created between myself and (insert name) Thank you” (x 3.)
Exercise raises our vibration. Especially Yoga and Tai Chi. So does going for a walk! The trees absorb our energy….so start handing it over to them!
If you are hanging on to people, or stuff that you know are not serving you, it might be better to let it go, so that someone better, or something better, can come into your life. When we release things that don’t match our energy, we make room for things that do! People included.
This is my own personal intention that my guides and I created, and it works!
“Thank you (insert name) for being a light in my life. Angels and Guides, if (insert name) isn’t a light in my life, thank you for releasing this person and bringing people to me who are a light in my life.” It works for me and is powerful because it is saying if this person doesn’t have pure and true intentions, Universe release them to somewhere else!
Physical items store unwanted energy so if it has been a while since you have weeded stuff out, maybe it’s time.